1-1 Personal Training

As we age, maintaining our strength, health and vitality is increasingly essential. As a personal trainer, I’ve seen firsthand how possible it is for individuals just like you to achieve fitness goals while also ensuring safety, effectiveness and fun in every session. 

I’m fully invested in understanding you and your story to ensure our time in the studio leaves you feeling a sense of personal accomplishment and energy! My clients constantly amaze me with how they challenge themselves in this space and I can't wait to see what you’re capable of too!

Not sure if strength training is right for you? Here are some of the benefits my clients experience through their training:

  • Increased muscle mass- as we age, we naturally lose muscle mass if we aren’t actively doing the work to maintain it! This helps to prevent risk of falls, injury and makes us more capable in day to day life. 

  • Improved bone health- strength training isn’t just for our muscles! Committing to regular strength training also improves our bone density, reducing the risk of fractures and falls

  • Enhanced metabolism and reduced risk of chronic conditions- building and maintaining our muscles through strength training boosts our metabolism-reducing the risk of many diseases including type II diabetes, heart disease and hypertension.

  • Improved quality of sleep- physical activity helps to regulate our sleep patterns which allows us to recover and wake up more rested- something all of us want!

  • Improved mental well-being and quality of life- perhaps the biggest benefit of all! Achieving our goals can significantly boost our self esteem, improve our mood, decrease stress and promote better brain health! Even on our toughest days, we always feel better after a workout.

How To Get Started

Let’s Connect

To get started, you can book a complimentary discovery session with me HERE.

Comprehensive Intake

Before starting our work together, I really want to get to know you and your needs. You’ll fill out a questionnaire and we will review your goals and current levels of strength, mobility and activity. 

Goal Oriented Programming and Weekly Workouts

After setting clear, achievable goals, I’ll create programming that honors exactly where you are at and takes care to ensure your safety. Together, we’ll meet for weekly 55-minute training sessions, track your progress and ensure you’re on a path to success!

Safe and Effective Workouts

Ensuring your safety and minimizing injury risk is always my top priority. Specializing in programming for adults over 50, I always take into account your fitness level, medical history and individual concerns. During your workouts, you’ll have my undivided attention to ensure you’re maintaining good form and technique.

Building Healthy Habits and Consistency

In my opinion, this is the most important aspect of training- building healthy routines and habits. Staying committed and continuously making your health a priority is where clients see the most significant benefits. It’s more than just a workout, it’s about showing yourself that your health is a priority.